RUSSELL 6V Mill Relining Machine
RUSSELL 6V MRMs are built for heavy-weight auger liner exchange in large vertical axis stirred grinding mills.
Up to 10 tonne capacities.

The RUSSELL 6V Mill Relining Machine (fixed) and RUSSELL 6VM Mill Relining Machine (mobile lift-in) are custom-engineered for lifting, manoeuvring and placing extremely heavy auger liners in large vertical axis stirred grinding mills. When used in conjunction with the included liner removal adapter tools, it also facilitates the lifting of worn liners and removing them from the mill.
- Fit-for-purpose liner replacement equipment for large vertical axis stirred grinding mills
- Accurate and safe exchange of large vertical axis stirred grinding mill auger liners
- Frees up the use of other site resources during vertical mill relines
- Eliminates the use of inappropriate cranes and unsafe maintenance methods
- Customised to suit the needs of each large vertical axis stirred grinding mill
- Improves site safety and mill availability
- Strong, tough and capable of lifting liner weighing up to 10T
- Comes in two models: The RUSSELL 6V is fixed plant and the RUSSELL 6VM is mobile plant
- Low profile liner interface designed specifically for the vertical axis stirred grinding mills
- RUSSELL 6V’s boom tip fits easily between the pitches of the auger
- Proportional hydraulic control for highly accurate supporting of new auger liner segments
- Remote proportional-control pendant for improved operator safety and machine control
- Robust machine design and integrated rigid machine-to-foundation mounting
- Excellent machine stability and auger liner fitting accuracy
- RUSSELL 6V Mill Relining Machine is a fixed MRM for relining large vertical axis stirred grinding mills
- RUSSELL 6VM Mill Relining Machine is a mobile lift-in MRM for relining large vertical axis stirred grinding mills
RME is the world’s leading Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of mill relining systems.
RUSSELL MRMs sold and manufactured.
THUNDERBOLT Recoiless Hammers sold.
Mine sites served by RME assets & services.
"The RUSSELL 6V and 6VM Mill Relining Machines are custom-engineered to lift extremely heavy weight auger liners found in large vertical axis stirred grinding mill liners. They are highly proficient, reliable and will exchange liners accurately. Most importantly, they will keep your site's people, plant and equipment safe."

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Evgeny Klyukin
Business Development Manager, Central Asia/Middle East/Europe/South Asia

Kabelo Mogobye
Regional General Manager, Africa & South Africa, Leadership Team